Thursday 3 June 2010

First !!

I have an idea in my head on how this blog is going to turn out and I'm going to share it with you. It's going to be about WoW. Not a forum to bitch or moan about it just a place to air observations and put up ideas for discussion, discussion being the most interesting part of the proposed vision. Comments on posts that are really idiotic greatly off topic or crass trolling will just be scrubbed a la the Greedy Goblin approach to commentary. Given all that falls into place then its going to be a read filled with enthusiastic amateur observations and theorising on a cyber society that the vocal minority of it spout praise and vitriol in excessive amounts.

Will this blog be any different to the others? Yes of course and no obviously not. We are all human after all.

New posts will happen when I stop playing WoW long enough with a coherent thought train in my head to drop something (subjectively) worth reading, or like the rest of us when I have nothing better to do at work.

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